The ESOTA Network is pleased to welcome a new member network: The French StrokeLink
Welcome to our new member network!
The French StrokeLink is a multidisciplinary research infrastructure, which interconnects 30 stroke centres in France.
They have gathered internationally recognized clinicians and researchers who have largely contributed along the entire pre-clinical, translational, and clinical spectrum of stroke research. They are collectively a highly collaborative group and have a strong track record for prevention, acute treatment and recovery research.
The French StrokeLink is a major asset for better leveraging and coordinating clinical research in the stroke field nationally in France
What is ESOTA?
ESOTA is a Network of Networks and supports researchers in finding research partners for successfully conducting a trial.
The overall purpose of ESOTA is to promote research funding, collaboration, education, communication and advocacy in stroke research across Europe, thus supporting the conduct of clinical studies leading to improved therapies for patients to prevent and treat acute stroke and the longer-term consequences of stroke.
ESOTA has become an international European ‘network of networks’ to facilitate stroke trials in Europe. Several trials are actively recruiting patients in these networks:
- BeNET – Belgian Network for Clinical Stroke Trials
- French StrokeLink
- Hellenic Society of Cerebrovascular Diseases Clinical Trial Network (HSCVDCTN)
- HRB Stroke Clinical Trials Network Ireland
- Italian Stroke Research Network
- UK Stroke Clinical research network
- Netherland CONTRAST network
- Scottish Stroke Research Network
- Spanish Neurological Society
- Stroke Czech Research Network (STROCZECH)
- Stroke Trials Network Germany
- Swiss Stroke Network
- TurkStrokeNet – Turkish Stroke Research and Clinical Trials Network